Winter Clinics 2025 Winter Clinic Brochure
All registrations must be done through Upper Hand! No walk-ins, phone calls or mail-ins please. To register, you need to have an account with Upper Hand. Please use this link to sign up: Once you have an account, you can then register for the specific clinic. Any questions, please email the club
Level I/II (Ages 5-7) Tuesday 5:30-6:30 pm Thursday 5:30-6:30 pm Saturday 10:30-11:30 am Cost: $160/Tu, $180/Th or Sa Dates: Tuesday 1/7-2/25 Thursday 1/2-2/27 Saturday 1/4-3/1 This clinic is for beginners and will help develop the young player’s general motor and athletic skills. The main focus is on coordination, training, movement skills, and having fun!!
Level II/III (Ages 8-10) Sunday 9:00-10:00 am Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pm Thursday 4:30-5:30 pm Saturday 11:30-12:30 pm Cost: $160/Tu, $180/Su, Th or Sa Dates: Sunday 1/5-3/2 Tuesday 1/7-2/25 Thursday 1/2-2/27 Saturday 1/4-3/1 This clinic is for beginners, will focus on coordination, balance and motor skill development. Players will learn how to move and judge the ball as well as improve racquet control skills, all while having fun!!
Level III/IV (Ages 8-12) Wednesday 5:30-7:00 pm Saturday 11:30am-1:00 pm Saturday 1:00-2:30pm Cost: $200/We, $225/Sa Dates: Wednesdays 1/8-2/26 Saturday 1/4-3/1 This clinic is for players who are ready to move up from Level II/III. They will start to focus on playing points by playing drill games and point play simulation feeds. More focus on serve, all while having fun. Must have basic strokes. Will teach and work on topspin, serve, court movement , how to initiate a rally and start self-feeding.
Level IV/V Intermediates (Ages 10-13) Friday 4:30-6:00 pm Cost: $225/9 weeks Dates: Friday 1/3-2/28 This clinic is for players ready to move up from Level III/IV, will emphasize the importance of developing tennis skills, movement and strategies needed to play the game, as well as the serve., and slice. Drill games are used to simulate game situations, point play strategies.
Level V/VI Intermediates+ (Ages 10-13) Monday 5:30-7:00 pm Cost: $200/8 weeks Dates: Monday 1/6-2/24 This clinic is for players ready to move up from Level IV/V and will emphasize the importance of developing tennis skills and strategy needed to play the game, as well as learning to serve and return serve consistently. Drill games are used to simulate game situations, working more on directionality and putting balls in specific place.
*junior membership required for all clinics
Private Lessons: Private lessons available. Cost: $80/hr. 1 person, $90/hr. 2 person
MAKEUP POLICY No makeups for any missed clinics.
Winter Clinics 2025 Winter Clinic Brochure
All registrations must be done through Upper Hand! No walk-ins, phone calls or mail-ins please. To register, you need to have an account with Upper Hand. Please use this link to sign up: Once you have an account, you can then register for the specific clinic. Any questions, please email the club
Teen Beginners/Adv Beginners (Ages 11+) Sunday 11:30-1:00 pm Monday 5:30-7:00 pm Friday 4:30-6:00 pm Saturday 1:00-2:30 pm Cost: $200/Mo, $225/Su, Fr or Sa Dates: Sunday 1/5-3/2 Monday 1/6-2/24 Friday 1/3-2/28 Saturday 1/4-3/1 This clinic is for teens to learn technique and build confidence, hitting and playing tennis all in a comfortable and fun setting! This is for teens with no to little experience, learning all the basic foundations to actually build the skills needed to start playing.
Teen Intermediates (Middle/High School) Sunday 9:00-10:30 am Sunday 11:30am-1:00 pm Wednesday 4:00-5:30 pm Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm Cost: $200/We, $225/Su or Th Dates: Sunday 1/5-3/2 Wednesday 1/8-2/26 Thursday 1/2-2/27 This clinic will focus on fundamentals of strokes mechanics and court movements, drill games and play situations. Instruction will focus on movement training, live hitting and play., working more on directionality and putting the ball in specific place.
Teen Advanced (Middle/High School)* Sunday 1:00-2:30 pm Wednesday 4:00-5:30 pm Cost: $200/We, 225/Su Dates: Sunday 1/5-3/2 Wednesday 1/8-2/26 This clinic is for the teen advanced and advanced intermediate player motivated to hustle while hitting and working on improving tennis skills, shot selection, court movement, point play strategies, developing more power and consistent hitting.
High Performance Monday 3:30-5:30 pm Saturday 9:00-10:30am Cost: $320/Mo, $225/Sa Dates: Monday 1/6-2/24 Saturday 1/4-3/1 This clinic works on high school team match and tournament preparation. Players will work on footwork, conditioning, tactics and strategies, along with mental toughness. All players must be approved by coaching staff.
Advanced High School/Adult Thursday 8:30-10:00 pm Cost: $25/member, $30/nonmember Sign up in advance week to week. Fast paced Drills & Skills!!!
*junior membership required for all clinics
Private Lessons: Private lessons available. Cost: $80/hr. 1 person, $90/hr. 2 person
MAKEUP POLICY No makeups for any missed clinics.